The Chaplaincy has extended its current training programme beyond our volunteers (Chaplains and Street Angels) to Chaplains, Street Angels, Street Pastors, Rail Pastors, School Pastors, YMCA Chaplains and Late Night Listeners across the country, who gathered together online this past week to cover traumatic bereavement training with our Lead Chaplain, Frances Novillo.  Over 40 people booked to attend the training course.  It's based on training delivered to Chaplains from across Hertfordshire organised by the Public Health department of Hertfordshire County Council in February and led by Professor Stephen Regel of the Centre for Trauma, Resilience, and Growth.  We adapted it for the particular context of projects similar to ours, and updated it in the light of the particular demands of the COVID-19 crisis, and are pleased to be resourcing volunteers around the country motivated by faith, like us, to serve their local communities and help people in many towns and cities cope through the crisis, return and recover when the restrictions are over.