Watford Wellness is a forum where Watford's employers can find out about wellness services available to support their staff.  Our next open monthly meeting online is on Wednesday 27th May from 5-6pm and you can book through this link:  https://zoom.us/j/97902901945?pwd=cTJwQXAwcDFsc1NXZGJWWXQzQmRJZz09 Organised in conjunction with Watford Chamber of Commerce and Watford Borough Council, our Lead Chaplain is always at the monthly Watford Wellness meetings, along with a neuro-success therapist and a suicide prevention, recovery and growth coach.  This month's guest speakers are Jolel Miah from Our Minds Matter, speaking about respecting diversity in developing your workplace wellness culture, and Pherenice Worsley-Buck, sharing her story of discovering bereavement charities Widowed and Young and the Good Grief Trust.  Representatives from all of Watford's businesses, large and small, from self-employed sole traders through SMEs to large corporates, are very welcome to attend.